Ever thought that you are stuck in a dead end job? Or ever felt that the company you are working for is the best company ever?

If you are in the first group, it is too late. You already have suffered too much before you take the decision to leave. There should be a better way to identify which way you are swaying, or likely to end up in which group

Found a great framework to deploy when the question pops up!

Break your job into 2 areas,

  • Money
  • Learning

Money is to sustain and being fairly compensated for the skillset you bring to the table today
Learning improves your skillset and feeds into your earning potential

Two by two framework!

Best Scenario
You are learning; about Business, about customers, communication skills, face time with leadership, getting recognition, doing meaningful work that positively impacts the real world. While doing all this you are getting optimally getting paid for it

Optimise for one for a short term
Either you are learning, Or you are making a lot of money:

If you are learning but not getting paid heavily you are optimising for your skillset, not the best place to be since you want the money, but in the long term you can exponentially improve your earning, by leveraging the skillset you have acquired.
β€˜Learn for 2 years max then either ask for a raise of, find the place that will allow you to learn as well as earn’

If you are earning highly but not doing meaningful work or not learning . you satisfaction is going in Red, you can either start a side hustle, where you are doing some meaningful work that pulls you out of red. Or take an online course to enhance your skillset.
β€˜If money is a constraint, start a side hustle or learn new skillsets to improve in the long term’

If you are neither earning nor learning
β€˜GTFO’ :)

Simply put:

Learn, earn or churn!

Best trajectory to follow: First learn, then earn

Which quadrant are you currently in?
