Sooooooo many tasks all with deadlines of yesterday. What do you do when you have this kind of a problem. This kind of a feeling is a terrible.You start to panic. You go into a downward spiral of all the negative scenarios that will happen if you do not close the tasks. The imposter syndrome kicks in. Feeling of unworthiness. Feeling that you are not good enough. Feeling of helplessness. You lose all your self-confidence.
Well, you know you are in a soup, we lost focus and we are now in a position that we didn’t want to be in. While this is not good, crawling out of this is necessary for your personal and mental growth. Do this step by step takes a positive mindset and awareness of yourself.
- Acknowledge that you are in a soup and it is okay. It is not the end of the world
- Take a 60 second break, close your and take deep breathes, put you hands on your face and eyes and swipe away
- List down everything that needs to be done anywhere you feel like, piece of paper, word document, google keep anywhere is fine
- Make sure everything personal/professional that you have to finish is on that list
- Mark 3 urgent and important tasks that you have to personally finish
- «mark style=”background-color: blue; opacity:0.5”>Pick the simplest one</mark>, that requires shortest time. Get those small wins to achieve the momentum you need
- Time bound each task. Once you finish, take a 5 min break, do something that is not related to your tasks, reset your brain.
- Close those tasks like a boss and rinse repeat for the other tasks the other day
- Reflect on why you were in that situation, what can you change/do so that you are never in that position ever again.
Bonus Tip: But if you can not boil them down to 3 things.
- Try to postpone the fourth item on your list by talking to folks, explain your reasons and hope for the best.
- Seek help from your manager to prioritise and 99% of the times you will get help.
- For the rest 1% make peace with yourself that you tried everything in your power to solve all the things and it didn’t work out.
“a faster way to do many things is to only do one thing at a time”
This is what i do every-time i feel overwhelmed and it has worked for my 9 out of 10 times. Every other time i get to learn how to modify my system.
More material for your reference:
Mel Robbins’s method
The Eisenhower Matrix
What do you do when you are overwhelmed with tasks?