how to overcome a new hurdle

I recently moved teams and have been feeling a little overwhelmed by the kind of work, the kind of pace and the kind insights the team requires. It seemed like everyone already knew and is operating at a different level which is considered as the baseline. Meaning i am operating below baseline.

This impacted me psychologically pushing me to exhibit imposter syndrome. I wanted to find a way to structurally solve my problem and realised that i was constantly searching for a framework that can be applied to this situation. Unfortunately, i haven’t found a framework yet but what helped me was a post on reddit. Over the course of my career, i have solved these situations by allocating more time to these challenges.

Brute Force method:
Spearhead into all the tasks and give as much time as you require to understand them and close them


  • Steep learning Curve but will give results
  • highly satisfying once you overcome the hurdles


  • Unstructured learnings
  • Time consuming
  • Taxing on other areas of your life.

NOTE:Not an optimal solution

As you grow you realise the most valuable thing you have is time, you need to deploy time extremely carefully, If effective time management is mastered, you can master anything in life. When it comes to your time, the early you understand that you need to behave like the character ‘Smegal’ from Lord of the rings the better you are in the long term. Smegal

While going through reddit i saw this post, and this hit the right spot that transformed my thinking. Twitter Post

The self realisation that if you are not able to solve the current situation doesn’t make you dumb is extremely important. This allows you to move from helpless mindset to a problem solving mindset. This is the post that i needed to transform my thinking as well.

Since, i couldn’t any framework that can be applied to this situation. I combined 2 models to solve my situation.I found that that a combination of ‘The Pareto principle’ and ‘The semantic tree approach’ works charmingly in these situations.

Is there any other framework that you have applied to solve these situations?


