The trap of desires

Moving into a Major city that is attracting millionaires, opens a lot of gates and hidden desires. This city is notorious for making you spend money. the transition into luxury lifestyle is so smooth, you dont even recognise that you have started to spend on things that I would never spend upon in my home country. Why is this?

  1. Extremely low threshold for accessibility. Everything is out in the open as compared India, you see a lot more folks spending rather than saving into the banks - Primary reasons -> Low interest rates, high Salary as compared to India, No Income Tax
  2. High immigration of Males in the Age range - 20-40 -> meaning high Signalling Effect to showoff a luxury lifestyle in order to attract partners
  3. Increase in attractive Experiences from the Dubai Sheikh led Goverment
  4. Preference to Comfort/service/Quality over Money/DIY due to its heritage

how do you not get into this trap. Be clear of your objectives, no matter what they are:

  • Saving
  • Spending on luxury
  • Spending on Experiences

Once you have decided what you are here for.. (For me it is Making money and spending on experiences). It becomes easier to take decisions on what you want out of Dubai or any City for that matter.

you are able to classify each attraction (or rather distraction) into whether this fits your larger Picture plan or not. If not, then it is a clear ‘NO’, If it does you makes space and plan for that decision.

What do you desire that you know you do not need, have you planned for it?



