Decision making

Nothing in this world is free. There is tradeoff everywhere. How do you take a decision when there is a tradeoff at play. You first understand what do you want out of that decision. What is/are your success metric/s (meaning what you feel is important at the end of the decision).

Once you have the success metrics fixed.

You analyse what are the pros and cons of making that decision i.e. in order to achieve your goal, what are you losing? once you have the things listed down you are in the best shape to take a decision. The decision itself doesn’t matter but the fact that you are aware of the consequences is what makes the any decision complete, the worst thing one can do is to live life on an autopilot mode.

Finally you might end up taking any of the following decisions

  1. Go ahead with your decision as the tradeoff is not something that is going to hamper you
  2. Scrap your decision as the cost to pay to achieve that success metric is too much
  3. Defer the case to a later time, keeping an option ready for whenever you are in a state to not be bothered about from the tradeoff
