Rejection is tough

Today i got rejected in even before getting the chance to show what i have got. I was rejected. Now mind you i don’t even know why i was rejected, that is the worst part. Oof, the kind of pinch it feels to not even perform and get that the boot is the worst. The pain is real

Maybe the role was not good enough for the kind of growth i want, or maybe the position would not have let me do what i wanted to do in parallel, or maybe in order to scale the heights i want this is not the correct role. Maybe i am settling. Don’t settle.

I am enough, all i have to do is become the better version of myself consistently. It doesn’t matter what others think. All that matters is I believe in myself, I trust myself that I am enough, I will do everything in my power to make the correct choices, and even if things go wrong I will do everything in my power to correct them.


Focus on what you bring to the table and how you can improve at that

My mom always says:

“everything happens for a reason, and in the long term all these things do not matter”

Dots are always easy to connect in retrospective. You just have to look at if one door closes another door opens.
Onwards and Upwards my friend

What did you do when you were rejected even before a discussion.
