Day0 in Dubai:
Similar Roads
Yep!😅 the roads, but how are they similar? if you have made the travel from Bangalore airport to Bangalore city you would have hit tolls. Ever noticed that the 2 lane road mutates into a multi-lane like a Hydra leading up to the toll booth? that 1 Km mutation of a spread is what i saw here in Dubai. But the only difference is that the mutation stretches across the city. Broad clean roads across the city, which my brain couldn’t register, it kept on pushing back to that you still are on the highway or a road which is far far away from any city. I think it will take time for me to adjust to the broader roads in the city.
No more Tapris/Thelawallahs/adhoc shops
I wouldn’t look at this from a positive or a negative. But, I realised that 99.9% of India runs on the merchants and adhoc shops which are open on the side of the roads. Why? because they are convenient as hell. They are the backbone of last minute printouts, photocopies, stationaries, to name a few, that the whole country runs on. Does this mean that any country that doesn’t have this is not functioning? No, developed countries and cities like Dubai are way past there adhocish shop phase, here everything has a function, everything is part of a huge cob wheel.
Have you moved countries before? What were the first things you noticed?