Every problem is an opportunity in disguise

Human minds are designed to seek a path of least resistance. They always try to push the problems and consider always look to solve As we grow old, we face situations that have seen a lot of things. No solutions lead to frustration. Why can you not reach the solution? or why was this problem given to me?
Solutions to the problems

Pivot your focus

The mind is a powerful tool, but it sometimes creates obstacles for us. Some obstacles surface due to cognitive biases. One these biases is called the “frame effect”. This states that the way you frame a problem has a powerful impact on what you will do next. Do you see the cup as half full or half empty? Every problem is an opportunity challenge and grow oneself.

Acknowledging, is half the battle won!
Positive reframing involves thinking about a negative or challenging situation in a more positive way. This could involve thinking about a benefit or upside to a negative situation that you had not considered. Alternatively, it can involve identifying a lesson to be learned from a difficult situation. Finding something to be grateful about in a challenging situation is a type of positive reappraisal.
-Gist from an article by Stress & Development Lab, Harvard

Take the problem as a challenge and you start to think of ways to solve it instead of dreading the day you were given the problem.

A Winner is a risk-taker. If you want to gain something, you need to take a risk. They know that nothing in life comes without a price and they are willing to pay that price. They constantly embark on paths unknown to achieve extra-ordinary results.


Every problem is an opportunity to invent new possibility

What problem did you convert into an opportunity?
