Published on Year:2022 Week:1

What are these thought experiments? Do you need any apparatus? Do you need money? Do you need any resources? Lets take a look..

A Thought Experiment is a hypothetical situation in which a hypothesis, theory or principle is laid out for the purpose of thinking through its consequences.

The common goal of a thought experiment is to explore the potential consequences of the principle in question:

A thought experiment is a device with which one performs an intentional, structured process of intellectual deliberation in order to speculate, within a specifiable problem domain, about potential consequents for a designated antecedent.

So all you need is your mind to think about all the possible scenarios and discussions that might take place. Historically, there have been multiple thought experiments, which have given Physicists, Mathematicians, Computer Science and many other professions logical loop holes and allowed them to re-think their theories and make them better.


Galileo’s balls Galileo may never have dropped balls from the top of the leaning tower of Pisa, as the legend goes. But he did devise a simple thought experiment that told us something profound about gravity. Take two weights, one light, one heavy. If heavier objects fall faster than light ones, as Aristotle said, then the lighter weight will lag behind. That implies that when the two are tied together, they will fall more slowly than the heavy weight alone. But together, they weigh more than the heavy alone, so they should fall faster. Wait, so is it faster or slower?

The Impossible Barber A certain barber is very particular about his work. He shaves every person who does not shave themselves, and no one who does shave themselves. So: does the barber shave himself? It doesn’t take long to see the contradiction: If he does, he can’t; if he doesn’t, he must. Such a barber can’t exist.

An article about Thought Experiments were published in the ‘Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy’, link to the article

In Modern times, thought experiments have become a great way to express new ideas. In entertainment, especially comics have adopted this to create alternate stories to sustain a flavour of variations while telling stories.

We all know and believe that Superman stays in the city called Metropolis, but what if his ship landed in USSR, What would happen? Superman Trailer
This comic explores the changes in the society and other factors and tries to explain a possible reality that might have played out.

So, are you ready to take this ride with me? Every weekend i’ll share thought experiments that i ponder about over the week. Stay tuned!
