Puneet is a Problem solver, curious by nature. He likes to create things from scratch, works with data to tell stories & ponder on Why things happen the way they do. A student of life.

An Engineer by choice. - Learnt the value of practical over theoretical knowledge

Loves to play instruments, sing and create music even if it is a spoof song

Likes to read witty stories. - will write a successful sci-fi Thriller someday.

Knows how to solve 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 rubik’s cube - learning to solve them blindfolded

Wanted to be a football player or an Astronaut when he grew up, but life had other plans - still believes he is a child who has a lot to learn

A born and bred “Bhopali” - google it if you don’t know what it means

Believes joining Flipkart,An Indian e-commerce behemoth, was one of the best decisions that he took. -changed his life completely

Authoritarian by looks but sweet in nature

… A Blip on the Blue Dot we call Earth in the Universe…